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Visual Artist, Photographer, D.P.
Meta Consciousness
站在物理實相與意識的交會點,藝術家嘗試在3D空間 透過數位技術,創造屬於這個時代的當代藝術。 Meta Consciousness系列藉由模擬攝影中的中途曝光技 法來隱喻虛幻與現實的交融與反轉,內容上涉及身體與 意識的揉合與分離,從而內觀與審視自身在宇宙與生命 中的狀態。
Standing at the intersection between reality and consciousness, the artist creates the contemporary art speaking for this era in a 3D software through digital technology. The Meta Consciousness series simulates solarization in photography to represent the blend of virtual and real. The content reflects the fusion and separation of body and consciousness to stimulate vipassana and scrutinization of the mind in relation to the universe.
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